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ILRI-ICAR sponsured training program at ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad

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Deputy Director General (AS) inaugurated ILRI-ICAR Sponsored training program at ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad 

Dr. B.N. Tripathi DDG (Animal Sciences) inaugurated the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and ICAR-DPR collaborative five days hands on training program on “Advanced biotechnological approaches to augment productivity in poultry for ensuring food and nutritional security” on 20th September 2022 at ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad. Dr. B.N. Tripathi DDG (Animal Sciences), Chief Guest of the program appreciated the alliance between ILRI and ICAR and appreciated the progress made in different collaborative projects. He applauded the team for organizing this training programme for the young faculty members of the NARS system at this juncture where characterization of the livestock and poultry of the nation is taken up in a mission mode. He urged the participants to make use of their knowledge gained in this programme and utilize various biotechnological tools for the characterization and genetic improvement of livestock and poultry for various economic traits. He also emphasized that the faculty should propose external funding for their research and also commercialization of the technologies. He suggested formulating multi-disciplinary projects with a holistic approach to address the problems of the industry and farmers. 

Dr. H. Rahman in his address elaborated on the long term association between ILRI and ICAR and its benefits to both organizations. He urged the participants of the programme to be more proactive and learn as much as possible and benefit from this advanced biotechnological training programme. He also suggested for exchange of germplasm between Indian and African countries as both experience similar agro-climatic zones. He appreciated the efforts taken by the team in organizing this training programme. Dr. Olivier H, Chief Geneticist, ILRI described the commonality between India and Africa in livestock rearing patterns, breed characteristics and ecological terrains. He urged for strengthening the collaboration in the Poultry sector between the two organizations for high quality research, technology dissemination and sharing of genetic resources.

Earlier, Dr. R. N. Chatterjee, Director, DPR, welcomed the dignitaries and participants to the training programme. He briefed the various research, extension and capacity building activities being undertaken by the institute, He said that working in isolation will not fetch better returns and collaboration on a global scale is the need of the hour to achieve solutions for the common challenges. He opined that biotechnological approaches are the new paradigm to improve the productivity and performance of livestock and poultry as the traditional breeding approaches have almost reached a plateau. He urged young minds to make the best use of this opportunity. Dr. T. K. Bhattacharya, Course Coordinator of the program presented a glimpse of the various activities to be covered during the five day training program. He said that more emphasis was given to hands on training for the participants to learn the laboratory techniques. A total of 20 participants from 10 SAUs, 5 ICAR institutes belonging to 13 different states participated in the training programme The program was attended by the officials of ILRI, New Delhi, Hyderabad and scientists and staff of the Directorate.

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ILRI-DPR Training
Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 September 2022 10:51

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