What is Vanaraja?
Vanaraja is a multi-coloured dual-purpose chicken variety developed at Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad, for free range and rural backyard rearing.
How the Vanaraja is different from native chickens and commercial layers and broilers?
The plumage colour and disease resistance of Vanaraja is similar to native chicken. Vanaraja grows fast and produces more eggs than native chicken. Commercial layers meant for eggs and broilers meant for meat are usually white, more prone to diseases, sensitive to environmental changes and not suitable for free-range or rural backyard rearing.
What is Gramapriya?
Gramapriya is a multi-coloured egg purpose chicken variety developed at Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad, for free range and rural backyard rearing. This bird lays more number of eggs than native chickens and eggs are tinted brown in colour and heavier than native chicken eggs. This bird has better adaptability to adverse conditions and better immunocompetence.
Is there any advantage of natural mating between Vanaraja or Gramapriya and native chickens?
The Vanaraja and Gramapriya are crossbreeds (not hybrids), therefore natural mating with native chickens will upgrade native chickens and enhance production performance.
Can Vanaraja and Gramapriya brood chicks?
Vanaraja and Gramapriya lost their brooding character. Native broody hens can be used to brood eggs laid by Vanaraja and Gramapriya hens.
What is Krishibro?
Krishibro is a coloured chicken for commercial broiler production. Coloured plumage, high livability and better immunocompetence are positive characteristics that made the success of this bird.
What is the most common disease in rural poultry and how to control?
Ranikhet disease (Newcastle Disease) is the single most important disease in rural poultry and is endemic to India. Preventive vaccination is the most effective way of controlling the disease.
Does eating eggs every day increase the blood cholesterol and risk for heart diseases?
No. Eggs are one of nature's most nutritious and versatile foods. Eating eggs every day does not increase levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and does not increase risk for heart disease. On the other hand, eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein and essential nutrients such as fatty acids, folate, riboflavin, selenium, choline and vitamins K, B12, D and A. Eggs play an important role in the healthy development of the body. Many clinical studies show that eggs contribute to the brain development and prevention of chronic age-related conditions like loss of muscle mass, age-related muscular degeneration, hearing loss and memory loss. So keep enjoying eggs every day!