I C A R - D P R



Inputs distribution to tribals at Odisha

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Inputs distributed to tribal farmers of Odisha under TSP/DAPSTC Program

 ICAR-DPR Regional Station, Bhubaneswar, organised an awareness program and distributed ducklings and feed to 25 tribal farmers of Garabanda Village (Kandhamal, Odisha) under the TSP/ DAPSTC program. Twenty ducklings (3-4 weeks old) and 20 kg of starter feed were provided to each tribal farmer. CDVO, SDVO & Deputy Director, ADVO (Kandhamal) of State Animal Husbandry Department, Dr. S.K.Bhanja, Head of RS, DPR and local body representatives graced the occasion. A total of 50 tribal farmers participated. An awareness program on duck farming was conducted at Alami village (Kandhamal district, Odisha)  on 24th Nov 2023 and about 50 farmers participated. Dr.MK Padhi, Pr. Scientist and the TSP Team coordinated the program.  Dr S K Sahoo  Principal Scientist also attended the meeting.

Inputs distribution to tribals at Odisha   Inputs distribution to tribals at Odisha
Inputs distribution to tribals at Odisha  Inputs distribution to tribals at Odisha


Last Updated on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 11:24

Page 5 of 42


This website belongs to Directorate of Poultry Research of INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India