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Science & Foundation day

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Science Day celebrated and Farmers-Scientists Interface organized at ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad

ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad celebrated Science Day on 28th February 2018 and its 31st Foundation Day on 1st March 2018, respectively. Dr. Subeer S. Majumdar, Director, National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad graced the Science Day celebration as chief guest. In his address, he emphasized strengthening of Biotechnology research especially in the area of genome editing and transgenisis to cope with emerging and future challenges of food security, vaccine and therapeutic development. Shri P. Ashok, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Rajendranagar Sub-Division, Cyberabad and Prof. K. Kondal Reddy, Registrar of PV Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University were the guests of honour on the occasion. Shri Ashok appreciated role of the ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research in development and dissemination of rural varieties of chicken and emphasized that neglected rural chicken varieties need to be conserved and improved for the benefit of the rural farmers. Prof. K. Kondal Reddy appreciated the role of AICRP in developing commercial and rural chicken varieties for intensive, semi-intensive and free range poultry farming for nutritional and economic security of the farmers and emphasized strengthening of inter-Institutional collaboration to share technologies and facilities available across the Institutes for the benefit of the scientific fraternity in the Country.


                     National Science Day celebrated on 28th February 2018 at the Institute

Dr. R.N. Chatterjee, Director-DPR presided over the Science Day programme and briefed about the salient achievements of the Institute including future flagship research programmes. He also narrated the significance of celebrating the National Science Day programme in the Country highlighting the research work conducted by Sir C.V. Raman which led to discovery of Raman Effect. At the outset of National Science Day programme, Dr. T.K. Bhattacharya, National Fellow welcomed the honourable Guests and other delegates and mentioned about the activities of the Institute. At the end, Dr. Leslie Leo Prince, Sr. Scientist proposed vote of thanks. On the eve of National Science Day celebration, an exhibition was organized by the Institute to showcase new technologies and chicken varieties developed at the Institute where about 200 school children from different Schools of Hyderabad visited the Exhibition stall, Laboratories and Poultry farms. The students have been educated about the benefits of poultry eggs and meat for mitigating our body requirement of animal proteins.

On occasion of Farmers-Scientist Interface during 31st Institute Foundation day programme, Dr. R.S. Gandhi, ADG (AP&B) graced the occassion as chief guest and Dr. R.P. Sharma, former Director , PDP and Dr. S. Vaithyanathan , acting Director, ICAR-NRC on Meat, Hyderabad were guests of honour. Dr Gandhi appreciated the institute for its contribution in ensuring livelihood security of rural population in the country. He highlighted that rural poultry can be likened with ATM (any time money), which is much more resilient to natural calamities and thus play vital role in reducing farmers distress. He also emphasized for working on characterization of non-descript chickens within specific time limit, development of designer meat and eggs, disease surveillance, waste management, development of alternate to antibiotic growth promoters, etc.


Farmers-Scientists Interface organized on the eve of 31st Foundation day of the Institute

Dr. R.P. Sharma recalled contributions of previous directors, scientists and staff on development of popular backyard chicken varieties like Vanaraja which has been widely accepted across the country. Dr. S. Vaithyanathan congratulated DPR for its foundation day and highlighted the role of this Institute in Nation building.  Dr. R.N. Chatterjee, Director-DPR presided over the Foundation Day programme and briefed about the service being provided by the Institute for the benefit of the farmers of the country. On this occasion, a total of 40 farmers from the Baoji Thanda Village of Mahaboobnagar district of Telangana state participated at the Interface. The farmers informed about the benefits achieved by rearing the improved chicken varieties developed at this Institute. They expressed satisfaction over the service on backyard poultry farming including nutritional and health management practices received time to time from the Institute.  At this Occasion, two books entitled ‘Improved Chicken Varieties’ and ‘Gramin kukkat palan ke naya ayam’ were released. At the beginning of the programme, Dr. S.S. Paul, Principal Scientist welcomed the delegates for Foundation day celebration. At the end, Dr. A. Kannan, Principal Scientist proposed the vote of thanks.

Last Updated on Saturday, 24 March 2018 16:18

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This website belongs to Directorate of Poultry Research of INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India