About us
I have a great pleasure in inviting you to the website of DPR - one of the leading research institutions in India in the field of Poultry Science. This presentation would provide an in-depth and current description of the ongoing research and developmental activities of this Directorate.
I do hope this web presentation would facilitate collaborative initiatives and scientific interactions. Please feel free to contact us, should you need any further information.
All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Poultry Breeding was initiated by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) during IV Plan (1970) period. The objective of the project was to produce superior genetic stocks of layers and broilers to achieve self-reliance in poultry production. The project was operated with a coordinating unit located at Poultry Research Division, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, U.P. till the year 1979 and subsequently at Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar till the year 1988. Under this project a network of research centers was located at different State Agricultural Universities and ICAR institutes. The Coordination unit, comprising a small group of scientists from different disciplines with a full time Project Co-ordinator, co-ordinated the work of the different centers and carried out research programmes.
Keeping in view the importance and magnitude of work involved, the Co-ordination unit of AICRP was subsequently upgraded to the status of a Directorate during the last part of VII plan period and named as Project Directorate on Poultry (PDP). The Directorate was established at its present location in Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University campus, Hyderabad on 1st March, 1988. Since then, besides functioning as the co-ordination unit of AICRP on Poultry Breeding, the Directorate has been the focal point for research on Poultry. The primary research focus at the Institute has been towards the application of quantitative genetic principles to enhance productivity of various chicken germplasm, which is well supported by research in nutrition, health,molecular genetics and physiology. The research emphasis is on developing high yielding germplasm for rural and tribal farming.
In addition, externally funded research projects, contract research projects and consultancy services are carried out to achieve the Institute’s primary goals and objectives. The institute has been acting as repository for two random-bred control populations (one each for layer and broiler type of chicken). Besides these responsibilities, the Directorate also maintains a germplasm center to make available the improved strains and stocks to the user agencies.
Considering its significant contributions to the poultry production in the country, the institute has been upgraded as Directorate of Poultry Research in 2013. Realizing the slow development of poultry production in Eastern and North-Eastern parts of India, a Regional Centre was established at Bhubaneswar on 26 July 1992 (earlier under ICAR-CARI, shifted under DPR from 23 July 2020) to undertake research on various aspects of poultry, particularly duck production, which are of direct relevance to Eastern and North-Eastern region of the country.
The research programmes carried out under AICRP made significant progress in developing high yielding layer and broiler strains since its inception. Besides, the Directorate has evolved synthetic strains viz.Vanaraja,Gramapriya and Srinidhi for free range back yard farming in rural and tribal areas, Krishibro for small scale intensive broiler farming and Krishilayer for intensive layer farming. The research outcome in nutrition and health has been disseminated for the betterment of the poultry industry. Keeping in view the growing demands and the challenges that the Directorate has to face in future, perspective plan for 2050 (Vision 2050)has been prepared with a visionary approach.
Vision: Enhancing productivity of chicken for household nutritional security, income and employment generation.
Mission: Developing and propagating improved varieties of chicken for sustainable production under intensive and extensive systems.
Mandate: (i) Basic and applied research to enhance productivity of poultry. (ii) Development of new germplasm for poultry husbandry. (iii) Capacity building.
Profile Film of ICAR-DPR
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