Farmers Training Program organized at DPR, Hyderabad
ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad organized a three day Farmers Training Programme on “Poultry Production and Management”, from 3rd to 5th June, 2024. Seventeen farmers from three different states viz., Telangana, Karnataka and Nagaland participated in this training programme. Dr. R.N. Chatterjee, Director, ICAR-DPR, inaugurated the programme and interacted with the participants. In this training, farmers were imparted knowledge on various aspects of poultry production like general farm management, brooding management of chicks and hatchery setup and management. The training also included a dedicated session on poultry health management to cover important topics like biosecurity, disease prevention and vaccination. Since feed constitutes an important factor in poultry economics, information on nutritional aspects, including ration formulations, use of alternative feed ingredients etc. was also provided. Farmers were also educated on the importance of marketing for poultry integration and development of viable business model. Reading material, including leaflets, pamphlets and training manual in regional language as well as in English, was also provided for the benefit of farmers. Dr. B. Prakash, Pr. Scientist and Dr Aneet Kour, Scientist coordinated the training.