Our Director :: Dr. R.N. Chatterjee

Our Director :: Dr. R.N. Chatterjee


Dr. R.N. Chatterjee obtained M.V.Sc. degree in Animal Genetics and Breeding from IVRI, Izatnagar and Doctoral degree from Veterinary College, Mathura campus, C.S.Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, India. He was honoured with four National Awards i.e. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Award (ICAR), ICAR Award for Team Research, Hari Om Ashram Trust Award (ICAR) and Best Poultry Professional Award (Agricultural Today). He is a fellow of the National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (NAVS) and the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS). He is also awarded with 10 society awards. Dr. Chatterjee has worked as Assistant Professor at Mathura Veterinary College from 1992 to 1999 and as Senior Scientist at ICAR-CARI, Port Blair from May 1999 to April 2005. Thereafter, he worked as Principal Scientist at PDP from September, 2005 to December, 2010. Dr.Chatterjee functioned as Acting Director from 01-01-2011 to 11-09-2013. He served as regular Director of ICAR-DPR from 12-09-2013 to 11-09-2018. During this period under his dynamic leadership, the institute received Sardar Patel Best ICAR Institute Award. Thereafter, he served as acting Director till 27th April, 2021. On 28th April, 2021 he joined again as regular Director of this Directorate.

He has developed three varieties for rural poultry as researcher and five location specific varieties as Project Coordinator and was associated with the improvement of pure lines of three rural poultry varieties. Two native breeds and two pure lines got registered under his guidance. He has published 182 research articles in reputed National and International journals. He also published four books and six bulletins and registered more than 300 gene sequences in NCBI. He guided four Ph.D. and five M.V.Sc. students. He was deputed to GART, Zambia to advise the scientists and technical staff of GART for the development of Rural Poultry varieties and other aspects of Poultry related issues. He visited Netherlands and Indonesia to attend meetings and also functioned as SAARC Counties-Nodal Officer (India) for poultry production. He is also the Chairman of the AP Chapter of the Indian Poultry Science Association (IPSA) for the last ten years and his research interests are in the area of poultry breeding and molecular genetics.

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Managed by: Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU), ICAR-DPR Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana.
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