Technologies Developed & Research Achievements
Poultry Breeding
Breeds/ Lines improved
The following pure line chicken are being maintained and improved for further use to develop improved varieties of chicken.
Rural Poultry: Two male lines, PD-1 (Vanaraja male lines), GML (Gramapriya male line) and two female lines, PD-2 (Vanaraja female line) and PD-3 (Brown egg layer line) have been maintained along with rural control (RC) line for the development of rural chicken varieties.
Broiler populations: Three coloured synthetic broiler lines (PB-1, a male line; PB-2, a female line and control (CB)) have been maintained and evaluated.
Layer Populations: Six layer lines (IWH, IWI, IWK, IWD, IWF and control (LC)) were maintained and evaluated.
Gene lines: Naked Neck and Dwarf populations with broiler background have been maintained as resource populations for use in tropical broiler production.
Pure Line Registration: PD1 (Vanaraja Male Line) and PD2 (Vanaraja Female Line) have been registered with ICAR-NBAGR.
Varieties developed by ICAR-DPR
ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad developed a few promising improved chicken varieties suitable for rural poultry which were well accepted all over the country.
Vanaraja is a dual-purpose chicken variety suitable for free range poultry farming in rural and tribal areas. Vanaraja is a hardy bird and has better immune competence, thus well suited for rearing under harsh and diversified climatic conditions. It has multi colored plumage and lays brown shelled eggs. The body weight at 12 weeks of age (market age) ranges from 1.5 to 1.8 kg in males in farmers’ backyards. The adult body weight is 2.2-2.5 kg in males and 1.8-2.0 kg in females. The annual egg production is about 100-110 eggs in free range conditions. The variety is well accepted in all agro climatic zones of the country including Jammu & Kashmir, Andaman-Nicobar islands and the north-eastern region. Vanaraja is the first improved chicken variety got acceptability across all geographical locations of the country. About 38 lakhs of Vanaraja birds were distributed to the farmers across the country. About 3.17 lakh parents of Vanaraja were supplied to Govt. agencies. Farmer can earn a net profit of Rs.8000/- from a unit of 20 Vanaraja birds
Gramapriya a layer type variety developed for free range farming in rural and tribal areas at ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad. Gramapriya birds have brown coloured plumage predominantly and lay brown eggs. The Gramapriya hens are known for higher egg weight and egg production with an average egg weight of 55-60 g. Gramapriya is light in weight and livability is high. Body weight at 15 weeks (market age) ranges from 1.5 to 1.8 kg in males. The male bird’s meat is tender and especially suitable for tandoori type preparations. The annual egg production is about 150-160 eggs under field conditions in farmers backyards. About 30 lakhs of Gramapriya birds were distributed to the farmers across the country. About 2.05 lakhs of Gramapriya parents were supplied to Govt. agencies. A small farmer with 20 Gramapriya birds unit can earn a net profit of Rs. 11000/- as net profit.
Srinidhi is a dual purpose variety developed for rural poultry farming. The feather pattern and colour of Srinidhi is more diverse with a wide range of colours. Srinidhi has good potential for both growth and egg production. The body weight of males at 12 weeks of age (market age) is 1.6-1.8 kg. The adult body weight ranged from 2.2-2.8 kg in males and 2.0-2.4 kg in females under field conditions. The annual egg production ranged from 140-150 eggs under field conditions. About 1.2 lakhs of Srinidhi birds were distributed to the farmers across the country. About 14.6 thousand parents were supplied to Govt. agencies. A farmer can earn a net profit of Rs. 9000/- from a unit of 20 Srinidhi birds.
Swetasri is a layer variety of chicken suitable for small scale intensive and rural poultry production. The bird has white plumage with brown/black spots and has the potential to lay close to 200 eggs under scavenging conditions. It is particularly popular in Kerala and other regions.
Krishibro is a multi coloured meat yielding bird developed for small scale intensive farming for meat production in rural areas. The birds are known for the organoleptic qualities of the meat. These birds are well adapted for harsh climatic conditions and perform well under low plane of nutrition. The birds weigh about 1.5 kg at 6 weeks and 2.0 kg at 7 weeks of age with 2.0 Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR). The birds fetch premium prices due to plumage colour. About 8.0 lakhs of Krishibro birds were distributed to the farmers across the country.
Krishilayer is a layer variety of chicken developed at the Institute for the intensive system of farming. The birds are capable of producing up to 290 eggs per year.
The Vanashree strain was evolved from Aseel Peela (PD-4) breed through selective breeding for improvement of body weight and egg production in the last 12 generations at ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad. The average body weight at 8 weeks of age under intensive system of rearing was 580g. These birds have lean shank (legs) with average length of 78.0 mm at 8 weeks of age. Body weight of cocks at 20 and 40 weeks of age was 2300 and 3100 g, respectively. Body weight of hens at 20 and 40 weeks of age was 1660 and 2189 g, respectively. The average age at sexual maturity (age at first egg) and 40 weeks eggs production was 159.5 days and 80.6 eggs, respectively. Vanashree hens produce eggs with brown to light brown coloured shells with average egg weight of 49 g at 40 weeks of age. Vanashree birds have lean meat, and the flavour and texture of native chickens. These birds are attractive, hardy, and aggressive in nature. They have better liveability as well. These birds are suitable for rearing under free-range, backyard and semi-intensive systems of production for meat and egg production (dual-purpose)
Janapriya is a dual-purpose chicken variety characterized by predominant brown plumage, pea comb and lean body. The uniqueness of the variety is presence of Aseel inheritance, attractive gait, broodiness, low predation, high survivability and above all the consumer acceptability. The annual egg production was 140-150 eggs, which was higher than the Vanaraja (100 eggs and less than the Gramapriya (160 eggs) under backyard conditions. The body weight of cocks at 3 months of age is also ideal with 1.3-1.6 kg similar to the native birds.
The Aslibro is a meat purpose chicken variety developed as an alternative to native chicken farming. The uniqueness of the variety is lean body, close resemblance to native chicken, meat quality and the consumer acceptability. The mean bodyweight at 3 months was 1.2-1.5 kg, the market age of the birds. The Feed conversion ratio (FCR) is 3.01 under field conditions. The tenderness of meat and its flavour increased the acceptability of the birds as a meat purpose bird alternative to native chicken farming.
Alternative feed ingredients for maize and soybean meal in broiler and layer chicken diets
A series of experiments were conducted at this organization to effectively replace these expensive feed ingredients in the diets of commercial broilers, egg laying and improved backyard chickens. The results indicated that maize can be completely replaced with bajra (pearl millet, 50% in diet), tannin-free jowar (sorghum, 50%) or korra (fox tail millet, 60%) and partially with ragi (finger millet, 15%) in broiler and layer diets, containing required levels of nutrients with net economic benefit. Quality protein maize (QPM) was also found to be an effective alternative for conventional maize in both broiler and layer diets with better weight gain, egg production and feed efficiency. Similarly, lysolecithin gum, a by-product of rice bran oil refining was identified as a suitable energy source for broiler chickens (5% in diet).
The research findings from the studies on alternate protein sources from this organization indicated that soybean meal can be partially replaced with guar meal (upto 10% in diet with NSP degrading enzymes), DDGS (rice origin upto 10%), sesame / til cake (upto 12%), double zero mustard cake (upto 18%) and detoxified karanj cake (upto 3 and 8% in broiler and layer diet, respectively) in the diet of broiler and layer chickens. The institute worked extensively to convert cotton seed extraction as a protein source in chicken diet and the results indicated that low-fibre and low-oil cotton seed meal can be included up to 15% in broiler and layer chicken diets without having any negative effects on performance.
Vitamin D3 and microbial phytase as potential alternatives for inorganic phosphorus in poultry diets
A series of experiments were conducted to study the possibility of reducing the use of expensive and scarce inorganic phosphorus sources (i.e. dicalcium phosphate – DCP) in broiler and layer diets by using microbial phytase and vitamin D3 at higher concentrations in diets containing reduced levels of Calcium and Phosphorus. Phosphorus present in plant feed ingredients is not digested in chicken intestine due to its ability to form complexs (phytate) with other essential nutrients. Utilization of phytate phosphorus was increased in the chicken gut through supplementation of microbial phytase (500 FYT/kg) or by fortifying the diet with surfeit levels of vitamin D3 (2400 to 3600 icu/kg). Considering the performance (body weight gain, feed efficiency, egg production) and skeletal mineralizations, and mineral concentration in excreta, it can be concluded that available phosphorous (NPP) levels in broiler and layer diets could be reduced to 0.25 and 0.20%, respectively, with supplementation of vitamin D3 at 3600 icu/kg or microbial phytase at 500 FYT/kg diet.
Counteraction of mycotoxin in poultry diets
Fungal growth and development of mycotoxins in poultry diets in our tropical country is inevitable. Mycotoxins cause several problems related to production and bird health. The research was undertaken in this aspect to reduce the toxic effects in poultry. Results indicated that the toxic effects of aflatoxin (300 µg/kg) were alleviated by incorporating poly unsaturated fatty acid-rich vegetable oil, activated charcoal, ascorbic acid, liver tonic, etc. in broiler diet. Vegetable oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids (soybean oil and sunflower oil) could be used to completely alleviate aflatoxin in a broiler diet. Dietary supplementation of Spirulina (0.02%), herbal vitamin C, and MOS partially alleviated, while vegetable oil (3%) completely alleviated the ill effects of aflatoxicosis (300 ppb) in commercial broilers.
Alternate sources of protein (processed guar meal and rapeseed meal, DDGS) were identified alongwith optimum level of inclusion in place of soyabean meal. Dietary protein could be minimized by balancing critical amino acids.
Oxycure: Developed a feed supplement, Oxycure (blend of trace minerals and osmolytes) for alleviating heat stress in chickens. Product to minimize the ill effects of heat stress in poultry, Improve the egg production up to 2-3% in layers, Improves the body weight gain up to 120g/bird and feed efficiency up to 4-5 units in broilers
Feed additive DPR-EubioticA: Replacement to antibiotic growth promoters, improves growth (6th wk BW up to 68g), feed efficiency (5%), immunity in chickens, reduces pathogen load (up to 52%) while improving the density of beneficial bacteria in the chicken gut. Suitable for organic farming of poultry.
Designer Eggs
Developed iron enriched designer eggs containing 40% extra iron. Iron enrichment is achieved by giving iron fortified feed to the hens. The eggs are suitable for all age groups.
Black soldier fly larva meal (BSFLM) could be safely used upto 5% in the diet of broiler chicks with beneficial effects on growth during the initial few weeks of life.
Feed formulation was made for different diversified regions by utilizing the locally available feed ingredients. Book on “Poultry Feed Region specific”, containing more than 1,100 formulations for broiler, layer and rural poultry.
Cryopreservation and Conservation
Protocol for cryopreservation of native chicken and parent pure lines were standardized.
Established the PGC bank of Indigenous native chicken breeds for conservation of native chickens (CRP on Agro-biodiversity). Cryo-preserved PGCs of 10 native chicken breeds.
Poultry Health
Molecular diagnostic protocols for the detection and differentiation of Avian pathogens such as Marek’s Disease virus serotypes, Avian Leucosis virus subgroups and Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae were standardized and Multiplex PCR assay:- MDV serotypes, ALV sub groups, M gallisepticum and M. synoviae , NDV, IBV was developed.
Concanavalin A (Con A)- ELISA kit for the detection of antibodies against Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in the serum of chicken. Multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection and differentiation of chicken tumor causing viruses- Marek’s disease, Avian leukosis and Reticuloendotheliosis
Three phytogenic feed additives were developed as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters, which showed promising results.
Wealth from waste
The vermicompost produced from poultry litter was evaluated in the field as a bio-fertilizer for green gram. Several beneficial effects on the agronomic characteristics of the crop including seed yield and stover yield were observed with the application of poultry litter vermicompost. Vermipoul: Vermicompost made from poultry litter is made available to farmers.
Established Integrated farming model with backyard chicken, moringa and earthworms.
IoT in Poultry
A software application for gender identification of chicks through vocalization data analysis has been developed in collaboration with CDAC-Kolkata. This innovative tool effectively combines acoustic features with diverse classifiers for automating gender detection for day old White Leghorn chicks. A model for stress detection in layer chickens through vocalization analysis has been developed using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques. This non-intrusive detection model classifies stress in commercial White Leghorn layer birds based on vocalization data, developed in collaboration with CDAC-Kolkata.
Bhubaneswar Regional centre:
Realizing the slow development of poultry production in Eastern and North-Eastern parts of India, a Regional Centre was established at Bhubaneswar on 26 July 1992 (earlier under ICAR-CARI, shifted under DPR from 23 July 2020) to undertake research on various aspects of poultry, particularly duck production, which are of direct relevance to Eastern and North-Eastern region of the country.
Evaluation and improvement of Duck germplasm viz. Khaki Campbell, White Pekin, Kuzi (Desi) and crosses were undertaken.
For white Pekin ducks during grower stage (8-16 wks), the diet containing 2600 kcal ME/kg diet was sufficient to meet the energy requirements. During, 20 to 40 weeks (layer stage) of age, the diet containing 2700 kcal ME/kg diet was sufficient to meet the energy requirements.
Feeding broken rice (BR) replacing wheat at 50 and 100% was studied in White Pekin ducks. Wheat could be completely replaced by broken rice, however, mixture of wheat and broken rice in equal ratio increased the metabolisability of nutrients.
The replacement of fish meal by soybean meal with amino acid (lysine and methionine) supplementation improved the egg quality, i.e. shape index, albumen index, yolk index and Haugh unit without any adverse effect on the nutrient utilization in Khaki Campbell laying ducks.