The Directorate dedicatedly carrying out the mandated activities of the Institute in its efforts to serve the poultry farmers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders of the country.
The pedigreed populations of different pure lines and native chicken germplasm are maintained and improved for multiple economic traits of interest. A complete, high-quality de novo genome for the Kadaknath breed has been successfully assembled at the chromosomal level. Research in biotechnology aimed in expressing transgenic protein under culture conditions which in future will be produced in live birds. Climate change is a very important happening affecting our lives. The contribution of poultry in this aspect was studied through life cycle analysis of layer and broiler production in representative places in different southern states of the country. Supplementing fibre hydrolyzing enzymes in broiler feed improved the commercial broiler performance. The relationship between different residual feed intake level and SNPs was explored. Using the power of AI and ML, non-intrusive technology development has been attempted. Effect of yeast supplementation on egg production during different laying periods was studied. As part of conservation the postthaw live blastodermal cell population was improved through betaine supplementation in cryopreservation medium. Chicken Newcastle disease virus specific egg yolk immunoglobulins produced by hyperimmunization showed in vitro neutralization of vaccine as well as field ND strain. Using different extension methodologies, the technologies and research output were disseminated widely for different stakeholders.
At the Regional Station of the Directorate several research developments had occurred that addressed to increase productivity of ducks. It is noteworthy that promising duck crosses with better egg production were evaluated. Gonadal transplantation between species have been evaluated paving the path for biobanking. The dietary protein level could be reduced to 18% in ducks leading to saving in feed cost. Furthermore, antibiotic sensitivity to common pathogen was evaluated. Overall, comprehensive research was carried with the aim of improving the production and productivity in the ducks.
The Directorate attracted funding from several external agencies such as DST-SERB, DBT, NICRA, etc. and from the industry to address different issues affecting the poultry production. The research findings were published in high impact peer reviewed journals, magazines and electronic media to disseminate information to all the stakeholders.
The layer and broiler pure lines undergoing selection at different centres under AICRP on Poultry Breeding have shown consistent improvement in the principal traits over the years. Several location specific crosses were developed and few were evaluated in the field and at Random Sample Broiler testing facility. The Directorate also monitored the Seed centres and supplied the improved germplasm to the farmers.
The Directorate has organized several meetings and training programmes under DAPSC, DAPST, and Skill development programmes. The institute showcased different technologies by participating in exhibitions, melas, and farmers field programmes.
At the Regional Station of the Directorate several research developments had occurred that addressed to increase productivity of ducks. It is noteworthy that promising duck crosses with better egg production were evaluated. Gonadal transplantation between species have been evaluated paving the path for biobanking. The dietary protein level could be reduced to 18% in ducks leading to saving in feed cost. Furthermore, antibiotic sensitivity to common pathogen was evaluated. Overall, comprehensive research was carried with the aim of improving the production and productivity in the ducks. The Directorate attracted funding from several external agencies such as DST-SERB, DBT, NICRA, etc. and from the industry to address different issues affecting the poultry production. The research findings were published in high impact peer reviewed journals, magazines and electronic media to disseminate information to all the stakeholders.
The layer and broiler pure lines undergoing selection at different centres under AICRP on Poultry Breeding have shown consistent improvement in the principal traits over the years. Several location specific crosses were developed and few were evaluated in the field and at Random Sample Broiler testing facility. The Directorate also monitored the Seed centres and supplied the improved germplasm to the farmers.
The Directorate has organized several meetings and training programmes under DAPSC, DAPST, and Skill development programmes. The institute showcased different technologies by participating in exhibitions, melas, and farmers field programmes.
During 2023, a total of 3.16 lakhs germplasm including 60,203 parents were distributed by the Directorate to various beneficiaries. A total of Rs. 253.36 lakhs revenue was generated during the year. The AICRP centres supplied 10.4 lakhs germplasm and generated revenue of Rs. 343.65 lakhs.