Dr. B.K. Swain
Qualification: M.V.Sc, Ph.D
Contact Address: Regional Station, ICAR-DPR, Bhubaneswar, 751003, Odisha
(Office): +91-674-2387251
Email Address: Bijaya.Swin@icar.org.in, nbkswain@gmail.com;
Work Experience
Use of unconventional feed resources and agro-industrial by-products for economic feed formulation for poultry, quails and ducks, nutritional modulation for improvement of performance as well as immunity in broilers, Probiotics and Enzymes supplementation for improvement of performance in Poultry and Japanese Quails. He also worked on Use of Azolla as an alternate feed resource to reduce the feed cost in various types of ducks. Presently He is working on Production and Utilization of earthworm meal in White Pekin Ducks. He has published 81 research papers and 9 review papers in various national & international journals of repute, 20 technical bulletins/ Folders, 12 book chapters and 29 Popular articles in various poultry magazines and 71 research abstracts.
Areas of Interest:
Research in Duck Nutrition, Utilization of unconventional feed resoures i.e. Azolla, Moringa leaf meal, earthworm meal, cassava tuber meal and egg shell in broiler and layer ducks for economic production of meat and egg.