Dr. U. Rajkumar

Dr. U. Rajkumar

Principal Scientist & Head, (Animal Genetics & Breeding)

Qualification: MVSc & PhD (Animal Genetics and Breeding)

Contact Address: ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad -500030
Along with .Phone (Office): +91-40-24015651
Mobile: 919849561708
Email Address: ullengala@yahoo.com;U.Rajkumar@icar.gov.in

Work Experience

Dr. U. Rajkumar has Completed Batcheler degree in Veterinary and Animal Husbandry in 1992 and Masters in 1994 from APAU,Hyderabad. Obtained Doctoral degree in Animal Genetics and Breeding from College of Veterinary Science, Hyderabad in 2006 with specialization in poultry. Working in applied poultry research for the development of poultry technologies and solutions for commercial and rural poultry farmers. Worked extensively in the area of poultry breeding, management, poultry extension, human resource development etc. Developed Janapriya, an improved dual-purpose rural chicken variety;Aslibro, a meat type variety alternate to native chicken farming, and associated with the development of Srinidhi and Vanashree chicken varieties. Developed Gramapriya male parent line (PD-6) chicken, a male parent pureline population. Instrumental in registration of Vanaraja Male (PD-1) and Female (PD-2) lines, Mewari and Hansli nativechicken breeds. Involved in monitoring of research activities under AICRP on Poultry Breeding and Poultry Seed Project. Published 180 research articles in national and international journals of high repute, besides 6 books and 20 popular articles.

Areas of Interest:

Poultry Breeding, Applied poultry genetics, Conservation of indigenous chicken breeds, Backyard poultry farming and its propagation in the country

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