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The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has initiated “Poultry Seed Project” during the XI five year plan and sanctioned twelve centers. The main objectives of are production of improved poultry seed to target production enhancement of egg and meat covering 5,000-15,000 farm families per annum/centre for augmenting rural poultry production, socio-economic indexing of the target groups and linking small scale poultry producers with organized market.  Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad as the Nodal Coordinating Unit, co-ordinates and monitors the activities of different centres on routine basis.

The seed project was launched on 15th May 2009 with a total budget out lay of Rs. 913.2 lakhs for the XI plan period. The revised target set for supplying chicks for main land  and north east centers are 0.5 and 1.0 lakhs chicks per annum, respectively and to collect feedback on the performance of the germplasm.

During 2023-24, 12 centres of Poultry Seed Project was merged with AICRP on PB.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 September 2023 11:39  


This website belongs to Directorate of Poultry Research of INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India