I C A R - D P R


Input distribution to tribal farmers

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Empowering Tribal Communities in Odisha: Input Distribution Program implemented under DAPSTC

The Regional Station (RS), ICAR-DPR, Bhubaneswar, conducted input distribution programs in various tribal villages across the Kandhamala district in Odisha from July 3 to 4, 2024, as part of the Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) program.
The input distribution programs held at Garabanda Village (Kandhamal, Odisha) on 3rd July 2024 and at Alami Village (Kandhamal, Odisha) on 4th July 2024. Deputy Director, CDVO and staff of State Animal Husbandry Department, Kandhamal Dist, Dr. S.K. Bhanja, Head of RS, DPR and Dr S. K Sahoo, Principal Scientist graced the occasion. Duck feeders and drinker tubs were distributed to the tribal beneficiaries.
The team gathered the feedback and body weight data of ducks from tribal farmers who had received inputs earlier under the program. The team provided the farmers with registers to record the egg production performance, and they trained them to record daily egg production records. Happy with the performance of the duck germplasm supplied by the centre, the beneficiaries express their satisfaction. They mostly consume the eggs and sell the extra eggs to consumers.  Dr MK Padhi, Pr. Scientist & Nodal officer, TSP coordinated the program.


Garabanda Village  Garabanda Village

 Alami Village Alami Village




This website belongs to Directorate of Poultry Research of INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India